Friday, September 25, 2009

All About Eve vs. All About Steve

You wouldn't believe how much the "st" matters when deciphering the differences between these two films. All About Eve is a film everyone should see. One of the top 100 greatest American films of all time, with Betty Davis, as an aging starlet and Anne Baxter, as an eager conniving assistant desperate to get to the top, but All About Steve is a charming film about an innocent woman with good intentions that unfolds a lesson, which every young woman should learn. The message is that being accepted for who you are is more important than trying to fit into the normal mold. I understand that this lesson has seen many forms in hundreds of films, from Titanic to Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, however in the romantic comedy genre, we usually see a girl/woman who is individual and wonderful, but somehow is always made better by meeting her other half. But Sandra Bullock's character in all About Steve discovers that she is better off being herself.

A romantic comedy usually follows the formula Boy meets girl, Boy falls for girl, Boy gets girl, Boy loses girl, Boy gets girl back, but in All About Steve it uniquely reverses itself and ends with Girl finding herself. This fresh perspective on how a lover is supposed to make you feel about yourself is touching and empowering. Although most of the film you are made uncomfortable by Sandra Bullock's character, Mary, because of her insanely energetic actions and antics, there are also brief moments that you, the audience, feel like you might want to be a better person. There were also a few wildly funny moments, however, on a whole, I think this film was trying to accomplish too much. It was all about Mary, not Steve and while trying to market to the Friday night date audience, this film lost sight of what it truly should have been about... the journey of a very unique woman becoming comfortable in her own skin. Although Bradley Cooper is a very attractive and otherwise crowd pleasing romantic comedy actor, this film didn't need him, just like Mary.

Many good films use parallels to illustrate a lesson or deeper meaning. That is what helps a film connect and touch audiences in theaters and homes everywhere. All About Steve used the pastime of crosswords to explain life’s challenges; this was a very original idea and poignant message that made Sandra Bullock's character more dynamic and lovable. This film was enjoyable, however I would wait to see it when it makes its way into blockbuster... Butter your popcorn and enjoy being yourself!


  1. You didn't make Brett sit through this did you? Who wants to see All About Steve anyway?

  2. no I didn't... I went with my parents :/
