Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zombies in Blockbuster

The movie store is a very unique place. It has the ability to turn perfectly social and intelligent human beings into zombies. Upon entering any rental facility on a friday or saturday night, the scene is horrendous, a bunch of unfortunate souls wandering, looking down at their feet and mumbling incoherent sentences like "did we see this one already?" These are not people with minds capable of making their own decisions, they are reduced to brainless copies of the ideal moviegoer. We don't rent what we want... we rent what everyone wants us to rent, "I heard this is good... so and so said it was bad..." We continue making our way up and down aisles with no real direction, watching those to the left and the right of us for guidance, they pick up a cover and begin to read... then so do we. Saturday nights filled with scanning, scanning desperately with absolutely no idea what we are looking for, as if the shelves are going to answer life's questions with one title. We, the unfortunate audience, end up renting the same film every weekend for the rest of our lives. I am here to put an end to the generations that are told what to watch and I am giving you the choice! So butter your popcorn and let's rent some movies!